
Frequently Asked Questions:

We have done our best to answer most of your questions here, but if you still have an unanswered question, please contact us.

  • Q:
    What is Pay Per Lead?

    Pay per Lead is an online lead generation system where the advertiser (merchant) pays the affiliate based on the acceptance of the generated leads.

  • Q:
    What are the requirements to become and Affiliate?

    We review all lead sources and you must meet specific criteria and generate a certain level of traffic quality in order to participate in our Affiliate Marketing Program. Before you apply, please visit our Terms and Conditions page for our list of quality and content standards.

  • Q:
    Are there fees to become and Affiliate?

    There is no cost to become an Affiliate and there is no minimum sales requirement. However, you must reach $100 before a check can be mailed out.

  • Q:
    If I operate several sites can I consolidate my payments?

    Yes. You can have multiple sites under one Affiliate account. You may create links and generate reports specifically for each site, and still receive one commission check for all of your sites.

  • Q:
    Do you accept email traffic?

    Please contact your Account Manager to discuss email traffic, as it requires specific approval and may require additional time.